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Aerial Team Announcement 2023-24

2023-24 Aerial High Performance Selection Decision

April 28, 2023


Based on the published Aerial Team Selection Policy, Freestyle Canada’s Aerial High Performance Committee is pleased to announce the athletes who have been selected to the 2023-24 High Performance (HP) Aerial Program (National Team). These skiers were selected in order of their HPP Ranking.


Women Men
Flavie Aumond

Charlie Fontaine*

Rosalie Gagnon*

Marion Thenault

Pierre-Olivier Cote

Alexandre Duchaine

Miha Fontaine

Alec Haineault*

Lewis Irving

Émile Nadeau

Anthony Noel

Victor Primeau

4 Women 8 Men

* 2023-24 Additions


The Leader Returns

Freestyle Canada is pleased to see the strides veteran aerialist Lewis Irving is making with his recovery from an injury sustained in Utah in February 2023. During training, Lewis caught an edge on the jump and had a horrific crash that resulted among other injuries, a broken femur (thigh bone). With the great care provided by the event partner, Intermountain Healthcare, Lewis had surgery that day, was walking by morning, flew home with the team and was in the gym within two weeks. Lewis continues to build strength and is expected back on the water ramps in the next two months. He is on track to return to the 2026 Games in Livigno, Italy to defend the team bronze medal he won with his teammates, Miha Fontaine and Marion Thenault.


Impressed with Improvement

The Aerial Committee members were impressed with the quality of Canadian jumpers this season. Great jumps by many athletes made it challenging for the committee to decide who to add to the team; we encourage all those who did not get selected this year to continue their efforts.


Aerial Family

Aerials is a small family that operates on limited training and competition venues, both by necessity and by design. Aerial coaches work together for the success of all Canadian athletes. Each athlete will have a primary coach who will manage their goals and daily plans but will be looked after by the entire aerial coaching family.


Training cohorts were considered: we want to make sure that each athlete can train with their best matched training partners, no matter which team they are named to, or which suit they are wearing. Some provincial skiers may be placed in a national team training group and vice versa, depending on the needs of the group.


Congratulations to all Canadian skiers for their results and improvements this season. We look forward to continuing to watch and support your journey.



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