Freestyle Canada and its Members understand that screening personnel and volunteers is a vital part of providing a safe sporting environment and has become a common practice amongst sport organizations that provide programs and services to the Canadian sport community, and specifically within freestyle skiing Clubs and associations.
Freestyle Canada Coach and Athlete Background Screening
All Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC), Criminal Record Checks (CRC), Screening Disclosure Forms, and Driver’s Abstracts must be completed and submitted in order to purchase a Freestyle Canada Membership for 2024-2025. Please refer to the Screening Requirements Matrix (Appendix A in the Freestyle Canada Screening policy), to see what type of Screening is required based on your role within your respective organization.
We recommend starting this process early to ensure all Screening obligations are completed by July 1, 2024. This is a requirement to be in good standing.
For more information, including how to obtain the necessary screening requirements please click Here